North America satellite map

North America satellite map

North America satellite map

  • Satellite
  • North America
  • NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
North America satellite map

The African continent has varied climatic zones because it is almost entirely between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, so that its climates and associated vegetation generally belong to the intertropical types. Among the different types of climate zones we find.

The desert areas cover immense stretches, especially to the north of the equator. Thus, the Sahara, which is the largest desert in the world, covers 8 million square kilometers. In the southern hemisphere, the desert only appears in the SW, as it disappears under the effects of the Indian trade winds.

The Mediterranean climate dominates at the N and S extremes. In North Africa and the Cape region, at the apex of southern Africa, Mediterranean climatic zones are developed, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild winters and Rainy

The equatorial zone develops between 8 ° N latitude and 4 ° S latitude. Its climate is characterized by an elevated and constant temperature, an almost zero annual thermal amplitude, always low atmospheric pressure, abundant rainfall and permanently high air humidity. In the tropics alternate summer rainy season and dry winter season. According to the greater or less duration of the rainy season, there are broadly three climatic regimes: the tropical humid, the tropical type and the subdesert.