World political map
World political map. Map 2008.
The Earth's surface is about 149,000,000 km2 (29%) of the planet's surface. Divided into continents. These are: Africa, America, Antarctica, Asia, Europe and Oceania.
- ASIA: It is the largest and most populated continent in the world, with about 45 million km2.
- AMERICA: It is the second largest mass of earth on the planet. With an area of 42,262,142 km².
- AFRICA: It is the third continent in extension, forming part of Eurafrasia. It has a total area of 30,272,922 kilometers.
- EUROPE: It is one of the continents that form the supercontinent Eurasia.
- OCEANIA: It is the smallest continent of the planet. With an extension of 9.008.458 km².
- ANTARCTICA: It is the most southern continent of the Earth.