The Roman Empire, Eastern and Western, in the 4th Century

The Roman Empire, Eastern and Western, in the 4th Century

The Roman Empire, Eastern and Western, in the 4th Century

  • Historical
  • Europe
  • The Public Schools Historical Atlas by Charles Colbeck. Longmans, Green; New York; London; Bombay. 1905
The Roman Empire, Eastern and Western, in the 4th Century. Showing the positions of the northern Barbarians. Map from page 1 of \"The Public Schools Historical Atlas\" by Charles Colbeck. Longmans, Green; New York; London; Bombay. 1905.

In the year 395 the emperor Teodosio I passed away, leaving in inheritance the throne to its two children. Arcadio corresponded to Oriente and Honorio Occidente. At that time, the Roman empire was definitively divided for administrative purposes into two halves, which, as the barbarian pressure on the frontiers rose throughout the fifth century, began to react significantly differently. The year 395 is therefore a real turning point in the definitive separation of East and West.