Map of the State of Mexico

Map of the State of Mexico

Map of the State of Mexico

  • Road
  • State of Mexico
  • INEGI - National Institute of Statistics and Geography
Map of the State of Mexico

Mexico, usually called the State of Mexico to differentiate it from the country, is one of the thirty-one states that, together with Mexico City, form the United Mexican States. Its capital is Toluca de Lerdo and its most populated city, Ecatepec de Morelos. It is located in the central region of the country, bordering Queretaro to the north, Hidalgo to the northeast, Tlaxcala to the east, Puebla to the south, Morelos to Mexico City, Guerrero to the southwest and Michoacan to the west. With 16 187 608 habs. In 2015 it is the most populous state, with 22 357 km ², the seventh less extensive - in front of Hidalgo, Querétaro, Colima, Aguascalientes, Morelos and Tlaxcala, the least extensive - and with 678,80 hab / km ², the most densely populated . It was founded the 2 of March of 1824.