Parishes of Quito 2001

Parishes of Quito 2001

Parishes of Quito 2001

  • Thematic
  • Quito
Parishes of Quito 2001. The canton is divided into 55 parishes (Spanish: parroquias), classified as either urban or rural. The canton has more parishes than any other canton in Ecuador. The urban parishes make up the city of Quito.

Rural parishes: Alangasi, Amaguaña, Alangasí, Atahualpa, Calacalí, Calderón, Chabezpamba, Checa, Cumbayá, Gualea, Gualea Cruz, Guangopolo, Guayllabamba, Llano Chico, Lloa, La Merced, Nanegal, Nanegalito, Nayón, Nono, Pacto, Perucho, Pifo, Pintag, Pomasqui, Puellaro, Puembo, El Quinche San Antonio de Pichincha, San José de Minas, Tababela, Tumbaco, Yaruquí, Zámbiza.

Urban parishes: Argelia, Belisario Quevedo, Carcelén, Centro Histórico, Chilibulo, Chillogallo, Chimbacalle, Cochapamba, Comité del Pueblo, Concepción, Condado, Cotocollao, Ecuatoriana, Ferroviaria, Guamaní, Inca, Iñaquito, Itchimbía, Jipijapa, Kennedy, La Libertad, Magdalena, Mariscal Sucre, Mena, Ponceano, Puengasí, Quitumbe, Rumipamba, San Bartolo, San Juan, Solanda, Turubamba.