Drinking water supply network of Quito 1995
Drinking water supply network of Quito 1995.
The map shows the distribution of the elements involved in the drinking water supply of Quito up to 1996. The map specifies the primary distribution lines of Quito and their connections to the different distribution tanks and treatment plants. It should be noted that up to 1996 the distribution network was located especially in the highly consolidated sectors of Quito not extending towards the south (sectors of Guamaní, Chillogallo Alto, Guajaló) or north (sectors of Calderón, Cotocollao, Pomasqui). These sectors would be part of future new projects as part of the drinking water supply network optimization and improvement by the EMAAP-Q.
The map shows the distribution of the elements involved in the drinking water supply of Quito up to 1996. The map specifies the primary distribution lines of Quito and their connections to the different distribution tanks and treatment plants. It should be noted that up to 1996 the distribution network was located especially in the highly consolidated sectors of Quito not extending towards the south (sectors of Guamaní, Chillogallo Alto, Guajaló) or north (sectors of Calderón, Cotocollao, Pomasqui). These sectors would be part of future new projects as part of the drinking water supply network optimization and improvement by the EMAAP-Q.