Map of Mexico and its cities
Map with geographical index of the main cities of Mexico.
Among the most populated cities in Mexico, 30 of the 32 state capitals stand out: 23 localities are both state capital and the most populous city of the same state; the only capitals that do not reach 100 000 inhabitants are Guanajuato - capital of Guanajuato, which had 72 237 inhabitants - and Tlaxcala de Xicohténcatl - capital of Tlaxcala, which had only 14 692 inhabitants. - The state of Tlaxcala is the only one that has no city of more than 100,000 inhabitants.
Among the most populated cities in Mexico, 30 of the 32 state capitals stand out: 23 localities are both state capital and the most populous city of the same state; the only capitals that do not reach 100 000 inhabitants are Guanajuato - capital of Guanajuato, which had 72 237 inhabitants - and Tlaxcala de Xicohténcatl - capital of Tlaxcala, which had only 14 692 inhabitants. - The state of Tlaxcala is the only one that has no city of more than 100,000 inhabitants.