Road map of the State of Paraíba, Brazil
State of Paraíba
multimodal transportation map (2013):
Federal paved roads: GPS surveyed in 2007, in accordance with the "Plano Nacional de Viação". Responsable: Departamento Nacional de Infraestructura de Transportes - DNIT
State roads: GPS surveyed, data update in 2007. Credits and responsibility: Departamento de Estradas de Rodagem - DER
Federal unpaved roads, planned federal highways, ports and other locations: identified from the DNIT road maps in its 2002 publication.
Responsable: Departamento Nacional de Infraestructura de Transportes - DNIT
Railways: obtained from the digital cartographic database of the National Plan for Logistics and Transportion - PNLT of 2007. Credits and responsibility: Centro de Excelência em Engenharia de
Transportes CENTRAN.
Waterways: identified from the "Base cartográfica vectorial continua del Brasil ao milionesiomo - bCIMd version 2.2. Rio de Janeiro. IBGE, 2007." Responsable: Departamento Nacional de
Infraestructura de Transportes - DNIT
Cartographic database: all the complementary cartographic information was obtained through the "Base cartográfica vectorial continua del Brasil ao milionesiomo - bCIMd version 2.2. Rio de Janeiro. IBGE
The entity responsible for this cartographic information is the Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística - IBGE