Regions of Brazil

Regions of Brazil

Map of the five regions of Brazil

  • Political
  • Brazil
  • Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística
The regions of Brazil are five groups of federal units (states or districts) in which the federation is divided. They are united according to territorial proximity and geographic features such as landscapes and similar types of soil. The purpose of the division of the country into regions is statistical and economic. There is, therefore, no type of political autonomy for the regions.

This division is legal and was proposed by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) in 1969. The IBGE considered only natural aspects in the division of the country, such as climate, relief, vegetation and hydrography; For this reason, the regions are also known as natural regions of Brazil. There is a small exception in relation to the Southeast region, which was created taking into account partially human aspects such as the degree of industrial and urban development.


Maps of Brazil