United States map with the cities
The 12 most populated cities in the United States by metropolitan area population:
New York - 20,320,876 li>
Los Angeles - 13,353,907 li>
Chicago - 9,533,040 li>
Dallas-Fort Worth - 7,399,662 li>
Houston - 6,892,427 li>
Washington DC - 6,216,589 li>
Miami - 6,158,824 li>
Philadelphia - 6,096,120 li>
Atlanta - 5,884,736 li>
Boston - 4,836,531 li>
Phoenix - 4,737,270 li>
San Francisco - 4,727,357 li>
According to the 2017 population estimates of the United States Census Bureau.
According to the 2017 population estimates of the United States Census Bureau.