Cocaine use among adults in Europe

Cocaine use among adults in Europe

Cocaine use among adults in Europe

  • Thematic
  • Europe
Lifetime prevalence of cocaine use among all adults (aged 15 to 64 years old) in nationwide surveys among the general population.

Data taken from EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction). Survey year for each estate: Bulgaria (2005); Czech Rep. (2004); Denmark (2005); Germany (2003); Ireland (2002/03); Greece (2004); Spain (2005/06); France (2005); Italy (2005); Cyprus (2006); Latvia (2003); Lithuania (2004); Hungary (2003); Netherlands (2005); Austria (2004); Poland (2002); Portugal (2001); Romania (2004); Slovakia (2004); Finland (2005); UK (2004); Norway (2004).


Maps of Europe