Greater São Paulo map

Greater São Paulo map

Greater São Paulo map

  • Road
  • São Paulo
  • Sao Paulo's State Government
The Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (in Portuguese Região Metropolitana de São Paulo), also known as Grande São Paulo, brings together 39 municipalities of the State of São Paulo in an intense process of conurbation. The term refers to the extension of the capital São Paulo, which forms a continuous urban sprawl with its neighboring municipalities. The metropolitan region of São Paulo is, according to the preliminary results of the IBGE census for 2010 the most populated of South America and the Southern Hemisphere. Its urbanized or agglomerated area also occupies the eighth position in the ranking of the largest urban areas in the world. The region is the main economic, financial and industrial center of Latin America and together with the neighboring metropolitan areas of Campinas, Baixada Santista, the micro-region of Sorocaba, the micro-region of Jundiaí and the micro-region of São José dos Campos, constitutes an enormous megacity of more of 33 million inhabitants within the extended metropolitan area of São Paulo (Complexo Metropolitano Estendido de São Paulo).