Evolution of the population of the Metropolitan District of Quito by parish 1990-2001
Population projections of the Metropolitan District of Quito in 2020. Population density by parish.
Population densities of Quito 1982. Density hab/ha.
Population density of the Metropolitan District of Quito by parish 2001
Distribution of the population of Quito in the day 2001
Distribution of the population of Quito at night 2001
Distribution of pre-primary educational establishments in the Metropolitan District of Quito 2001
Distribution of primary educational facilities in the Metropolitan District of Quito 2001
Distribution of middle school and junior high school educational facilities in the Metropolitan District of Quito 2001
Universities and colleges facilities in the Metropolitan District of Quito 2001
Distribution of public and private educational facilities in the Quito Metropolitan District 2001
Health facilities in the Metropolitan District of Quito 2001