The distribution of satrapies in the Macedonian Empire after the Partition of Babylon in the summer/fall of 323 BC.
The Assyrian Empire and the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 750-625 B.C.
Dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire 1683-1923
The Macedonian Empire, 336-323 B.C. Insets: The Aetolian and Achaean Leagues. Plan of Tyre.
Chronological map of the Arab Empire 632-945
Asia Minor and the states of the Crusaders in Syria, about 1140
The Growth of Roman Power Asia Minor
Eastern Half of the Roman Empire
\"The Eighth Progressive Map - Arabic Ascendancy; showing (a,)The Arabic Empire in its greatest extent. (b,)...
The Oriental Empires about 600 B.C.. Lydian Empire, Median Empire, Chaldean Empire, Egyptian Empire.
The Ottoman Empire, 1481-1683