The decline of the Ottoman Empire from 1683 to 1924.
Middle East 2000 BC
Map of the ancient Near East during the Amarna period, showing the great powers of the...
Levant 800 BC
The Assyrian Empire and the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 750-625 B.C.
The Oriental Empires about 600 B.C.. Lydian Empire, Median Empire, Chaldean Empire, Egyptian Empire.
The Achaemenid or Persian Empire around 500 BCE shortly before its greatest extent under Emperor Darius the Great (without the conquest of Punjab).
The Achaemenid Empire or Persian Empire 500 BC
The Achaemenid Empire or Persian Empire 490 BC
The Macedonian Empire, 336-323 B.C. Insets: The Aetolian and Achaean Leagues. Plan of Tyre.
Map of the Conquests of Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Kingdoms. Map includes battle sites and Alexander's route 334-323 BC.
The Macedonian Empire at the death of Alexander the Great 323 BC