Navarre Municipalities codes 2005
Map of Navarre, XVIII century
Navarra by Coronel, Teniente Coronel de Ingenieros D. Francisco Coello. Aided by D. Pascual Madoz author of...
Average yearly precipitation in Navarre
Navarre fishing map 2008
Official linguistic distribution in Navarra according to the following law: Ley foral 18/86, de 15 de diciembre de 1986, del Vascuence.
Map of Navarre with its merindades and municipalities (names in Basque language according to Euskaltzaindia) 2007
Kingdom of Navarre under Sancho VII Sánchez (17 April 1154 – 7 April 1234), called the...
Navarre Cañadas Reales network 1990
Navarre outline map