The Songhai Empire was the largest and last of the three major pre-colonial empires to emerge in West Africa.
Western Africa between 1000 and 1500, with the Kingdom of Ghana about 1000, the Mali Empire...
13th century Africa, simplified map of the main states, kingdoms and empires.
The Bantu expansion 3000-400 BC
The Songhai Empire, also known as the Songhay Empire, was an African state of west Africa....
15th century Africa
Africa between the 15th and 17th century
Songhai Empire. This map shows the Songhai Empire in West Africa at the height of its...
Africa economic activity 1500-1800
Map of Africa drawn in 1508
Africae tabula nova 1570
Atlas sive Cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mvndi et fabricati figvra. Dvisbvrgi Clivorvm 1595